Therapy in Alexandria, Virginia
Therapy for Adoptive Kids
and Families

Adoption is a life-altering journey that touches the lives of everyone in the adoption triad: the adoptee, the birth parents, and the adoptive parents. Each member of the triad faces unique challenges and emotional complexities, whether it's an adoptee grappling with questions of identity and belonging, birth parents navigating feelings of loss and grief, or adoptive parents striving to understand and support their child's experiences. These dynamics can bring about a mix of joy, pain, uncertainty, and growth.
At River Grove Therapy, we understand the intricate and deeply personal nature of adoption. We are committed to providing a compassionate and supportive environment where each member of the adoption triad can explore their feelings, process their experiences, and develop strategies for thriving. Whether you are seeking to build stronger family bonds, address issues of attachment and trauma, or find clarity and peace in your individual journey, you are not alone.